The TeX Gyre Project aims at supplementing fonts with a rich set of diacritical characters, so that they can be used in any language that uses latin-originated writing. The project is supported by several TeX Users Groups (CS TUG, Dante e. V., GUST, NTG, TUG India, TUG). We heartily thank to the members of these Groups as well as to the users who helped us with their comments, ideas, remarks, reporting bugs, protests, allusions, consolations, etc.
The fonts have been prepared by Bogusław „Jacko” Jackowski and Janusz Marian Nowacki „Ułan” from GUST. Marcin Woliński, also from GUST, has prepared a LaTeX support. Vietnamese letters have been added by Han The Thanh.
Each family contains fonts in the Postcript Type1 and OpenType formats, in the regular, bold, regular italic and bold italic variants. Files required by the TeX program are also supplied. The TeX Gyre fonts canbe freely used and distributed under the GUST license which is based on the LaTeX Project Public License.
The TeX Gyre Adventor fonts are based on the „URW Gothic L” fonts which are distributed together with the Ghostscript program under the GPL licence.
The Avant Garde typeface (Avant Garde Gothic), is a sans-serif linear antiqua, with round letters constructed on a circle. The creation of the typeface was inspired by R. Ginsburg, a publisher of the Avant Garde Magazine. Herb Lubalin produced a logotype title vigniette for it near 1967. Lubalin and Tom Carnase designed several series of ligatures and alternative letters for Avant Garde around 1970 as well as the first five its basic straight variants: very thin, thin, simple, semi-bold and bold. Four subsequent variants were designed by Carnase. Five slanted variants were an act by a Swiss „Team 77” group consisting of: André Gürtler, Christian Mengelt and Erich Geshwind. The author laws belong to the International Typeface Corp., which is licencing them to many producers of phototype and transpheric newspapers media. Adobe Systems, Linotype-Hell, Agfa Corp., Bitstream or Scangraphic, among other companies, offer some variants of Avant Garde. As many as 36 variants of the typeshape have been prepared in the studio of the Hamburg-based company URW. Avant Garde is one of the standard typefaces of many kinds of computer printers.
Download: TeX Gyre Adventor.
The TeX Gyre Bonum fonts are based on the “URW Bookman L” fonts which are distributed together with the Ghostscript program under the GPL licence.
Bookman, a two-element antiqua meant for book typesetting. The genuine typeface, originated from an Edinburgh foundry of types Miller & Richard, is called an Old Style and it was designed by Alexander C. Phemister in 1860. Basing on the bold variant of the typeface from that foundry the Ludlow company elaborated a typeface for title matrices in 1925, and around 1936 the typeface appeared on Mergenthaler Linotype and Monotype matrices. Edward Benguiat from International Typeface Corp. designed a family of ten variants of ITC Bookman during the seventies. Since then, for the sake of distinguishing, the historical version has been called Bookman Old Style. The typeface is in the repertoire of the majority of computer fonts producers.
Download: TeX Gyre Bonum.
The TeX Gyre Chorus fonts are based on the „URW Chancery L Medium Italic” fonts which are distributed together with the Ghostscript program under the GPL licence.
Zapf Chancery is an act by a renowned German typographer and a master of lettering Hermann Zapf from Darmstadt. The typeface explicitly refers to hand-writing and artistic calligraphy. The straight variants of the Zapf Chancery family are only straight by name, as the entire typeface is slightly slanted to the angle of natural writing. The influence of the Italian and German Renaissance virtuosos of calligraphy is apparent. One of Chancery variants – bold Italic – is a known typeface, for it has been a standard component of computer operating systems since 1985. It thus looks a bit boring to us nowadays, nevertheless the remaining variants, particularly the straight ones, keep their freshness. A full family of Type 1 fonts was prepared by Adobe Systems in 1990.
Download: TeX Gyre Chorus.
The TeX Gyre Cursor fonts are based on the „Nimbus Mono L” fonts which are distributed together with the Ghostscript program under the GPL licence.
Courier (Courier Typewriter), a mono-spaced typeface meant for typewriters, designed by Howard Kettler in 1956, modelled on a serif linear antiqua. Courier was adapted in 1961 by the American IBM (International Business Machines) concern for type headers of that company’s typing machines. Due to its good readability the typeface, despite its schematicism, gained pretty large popularity, not just on typewriters with exchangable headers but also on lever or rozette machines as well as on mosaic, inkjet and laser computer printers. Courier fonts can nowadays be found among system files of nearly any computer.
Download: TeX Gyre Cursor.
The TeX Gyre Heros fonts are based on the „URW Nimbus Sans L” fonts which are distributed together with the Ghostscript program under the GPL licence. The whole family consists of 8 faces (four in the Regular version and four in the Condenced one).
Helvetica, a linear sans-serif antiqua, designed in many variants for a Swiss foundry Haas’sche Schriftgießerei (Münchenstein) by Max Miedinger. The first variant of the typeface arrived on types in 1957. From then on several dozen other variants arose. An attempt was made in Frankfurt-based D. Stempel A.G. in 1983-84 to systematize its variants according to an assumpted scale and by assigning numbers to them (Neue Helvetica). Helvetica is one of the most wide-spread typefaces in the world. It is being produced on all kind of type media. Helvetica is also present among computer fonts of nearly all producers. It is called Suisse or Zurich in the sets of PC computer fonts, and Nimbus Sans in the URW catalogue.
Download: TeX Gyre Heros.
The TeX Gyre Pagella fonts are based on the „URW Palladio L” fonts which are distributed together with the Ghostscript program under the GPL licence.
Palatino, a two-element antiqua, referring by its style to Renaissance antiquas. In the beggining, three variants of it were designed by Hermann Zapfa for a Swiss foundry D. Stempel A.G. 1950–51. It was manufactured on linotype matrices by the Linotype company, on photomatrices by many producers and on transpheric media. Palatino is very popular recently, in particular in computer typesetting. Many kinds of computer printers as well as operating systems have it wired in their “hard” repertoire of typefaces. All major producers offer the family of the Palatino typeface. You are welcome to learn a wider description of the typeface on page:
Download: TeX Gyre Pagella.
The TeX Gyre Schola fonts are based on the „URW Century Schoolbook L” fonts which are distributed together with the Ghostscript program under the GPL license.
Century, a two-element antiqua, referring to English classicistic antiquas, so-called modern faces. It was designed in 1894 for American Type Founders by Linn Boyd Benton, under the name of Century Expanded. (It should not be mistaken for the Century Old Style typefaces by the same author nor for Century Catalogue from the ATF foundry, designed in 1909–10 and referring to so-called caractSres elzévirs.) Since it gained popularity in Europe as a typeface meant for school handbooks (cf. Augustea) Linn Boyd’s son Morris F. Benton redesigned his father’s typeface in 1923–28 and originally casted it in ATF as Century Schoolbook. Soon, the typeface arrived in the repertoire of the most respectful producers of type media for book typesetting, on linotype matrices by the Intertype and Linotype companies as well as on Monotype and Ludlow matrices. Sol Hess from Monotype supplemented the Century typeface with thin italics in 1938 and Charles Hughes from ATF made straight and slanted variants in 1966, under a Century Nova name. Another version of the typeface, ITC Century, was desinged by Tony Stan in w 1980 for the International Typeface Corp. company. Morris Benton’s typeface is being offered among computer fonts by the Agfa Corp. company and by URW, and also under the name of New Century Schoolbook by Linotype and by Adobe Systems. Century is one of computer types on some kinds of computer printers.
Download: TeX Gyre Schola.
The TeX Gyre Termes fonts are based on the “Nimbus Roman No9 L” fonts which are distributed together with the Ghostcript program under the GPL license.
Times, a two-element antiqua, designed by Stanley Morison in 1931 for a London daily “The Times”. The first matrices were made by English companies Linotype and Monotype in 1932. Nowadays, it is being keenly used for book typesetting, the more it has perfectly matched variants of Greek and grazhdanka. It also has job-work variants, particularly on photomatrices from various companies. Computer fonts of the Times New Roman typeface are produced by all companies. Sometimes a slightly modified typeface can be found under other names, e.g. Times, Times Ten etc. It is called Nimbus Roman within the URW collection and Toronto among typefaces by Corel.
Download: TeX Gyre Termes.
An Italic typeface has been used to distinguish typeface descriptions taken from a book Leksykon pism drukarskich by Andrzej Tomaszewski.